Known for classics such as Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut emerged as a popular novelist during the 1960's. His work in satire and science-f...
Most inventions happen on purpose, but not all. Some of the most historical and innovative inventions have been made entirely by accident.
Check out 11 inven...
Apple is known as one of the biggest tech companies in the entire world. Alongside with Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs has become one of the most influential invento...
We know him for two very different novels. The first novel helped define Audrey Hepburn into the style icon she is remembered as. Breakfast at Tiffany's is one ...
Revolutionizing tales of suspense and horror, Edgar Allan Poe is considered one of the most influential American writers of all time. Like many authors that we'...
With all of the writers we've talked about up until this point, it's a travesty that we haven't talked about the most important one. William Shakespeare is cons...
Leaving from Southampton, England, the Titanic embarked on her maiden voyage on April 10th 1912. Considered one of the largest ships during its time, the Titani...
The ocean is incredibly mysterious by nature. However, many mysterious objects and sometimes cities have been found dwelling in its depths.
Here are some of ...
America was founded on hard work and dedication. However, there were many men that saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. These men are known as robber ba...
Our earth contains so many ancient marvels with complete histories. We know exactly how and when they were formed. We know how far the Pantheon dates back to; s...