Usually, on this site, we post some pretty serious things: biographies, theories, archaeological news, and answers to some of history’s puzzling questions, like why America drives on the right side of the road. Well, it’s time we lightened up for a bit and enjoyed a few good history jokes. These are the kind of jokes that you’ll only understand if you’re a history nerd, and if you follow this site then you likely are. There’s no super intense historical debate here, only memes.
*laughs in smart*
1. Classic Caesar

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2. Well…They Tried.

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3. This Is So Bad It’s Good…

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4. Germany Doesn’t Have Time For Your Maginot Line, France

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5. Hitler During WWII Be Like:

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6. We Feel You, Hasdrubal. That’s Rough Buddy.

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7. Quick! Build An Impenetrable Wall!

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8. Columbus, Please.

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9. Oops?

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10. He’s Right, You Know.

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11. Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!

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12. Nothing Like The Good Old Roman Empire!

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13. This Is It. This Is Exactly How It Happened.

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14. Too Real.

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15. Those Opium Dens Were No Joke.

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16. Well? Who Would Win? Oh Wait…

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17. He Looks So Disappointed Already.

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18. Actual Footage of Herbert Hoover, Colorized.

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19. “I Don’t Know, Mom.”

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20. We’re Just Going To Leave This Here.
21. Thug Life.

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22. Napoleon, No! This Is Not the Way!

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23. “Mistake”.

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24. You Had One Job…

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25. Thug Life: Part II.

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26. Say No More…

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27. It’s Okay France. You Tried.

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28. You Can’t Just Say His Invasion Plan’s Trash!

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29. Apply Some Cold Water To That Burn.

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30. We May Have Made a Mistake.

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31. Easy There, Henry!

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32. “King Henry, It’s a Girl!”
Henry VIII:

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