The Golden Age of Hollywood is known for films released between 1917 and 1960. Classic Hollywood cinema produced stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, Jimmy...
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most famous american novels to date. But what do we really know about Harper Lee, for many not much. It's been just a few sh...
We all know Jane Austen's work, whether you've actually read her novels or have just seen movie adaptations. She is one of the most influential female writers t...
PHOTO: The Freelance History Writer
"Well behaved women seldom make history."
History is full to the brim of women who fought the expectations of their t...
Women were a huge part of war-time America. They were the backbone for the men at war but they also filled the positions in factories since most the men were go...
For most of us, we have a relatively simple routine for getting ready in the morning. We roll out of bed, we (hopefully) brush our teeth and ...
It’s difficult to believe that the entire world was at war for the second time and entire nations...
Last time on History's Badasses, we covered a man named Simo Häyhä. He has been widely regarded by historians as one of the most su...
Duchess Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was married to King Frederick William III of Prussia, making her the Queen Consort, from 1797-1810. In 1807, Louise met w...