Horace AlbrightPhoto: pbs
We recently brought you and overview of the beauty that is Yellowstone National Park. It's by far the most beautiful of all the Na...
Photo: smithsonianmag
Located in the Great Himalayas lying on the border of Nepal and Tibet sits quite literally the top of the world. I'm of course referri...
Throughout our lives we have seen some amazing photos of the world's greatest locations and we have been inspired to travel to them to experience the raw beauty...
William GoebelPhoto: wiki
Back in the late 1800's and early 1900's it was still somewhat considered to be the "wild west" and became all too clear on the Mo...
The storage tankPhoto: lostnewengland
One of the more bizarre national disasters on record would have to be the "Great Molasses Floods" that nearly destroye...
Disputes over the rare Grolier Codex have been going on for decades. However, a group of researchers have determined that this rare text is actually real.
In the early morning hours of November 20th, 1969, an estimated 89 Native Americans boarded boats near Sausalito, California and headed towards the Island of Al...
Hoover Dam just prior to completionPhoto: waterandpower
When the first talks of building a dam on the mighty Colorado River started back in 1922 most people...
(Source: studyblue.com)
If you’ve ever heard that the modern day cellphone is an adaptation of Greek technology, you were lied to. The cell phone is actuall...
How do you like to get fit? Getting into shape these days is all about eating right, moving enough and following the right kind of lifestyle. Historically speak...