Hidden beneath the Grand Bao'en Temple within Nanjing, China might be one of the most profound discoveries to date. A team of archaeologists uncovered a beautif...
“This discovery is a heartwarming witness to the victory of hope over desperation.” - Jon Seligman, archaeologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority
PHOTO: leadershipbythepeople.org
LONDON, 1998 - Renovators were working on turning Benjamin Franklin's ambassadorial abode in London into a museum and stumb...
“It’s very special that the man and woman’s graves are marked by the same tomb or palisade. It’s unusual that we’re able to establish that the man and woman wer...
“We will see what we find in the next stages. The history of this place is very old. If we can find evidence from the Hittite era, we will make a great contribu...
Bjørn Lovén and his colleagues set out to find the mysterious Athenian naval bases in 2001, as part of the Zea Harbor Project. The investigation required the ar...
1. 1778: The Hawaiian Islands were discovered by English explorer
Photo: expeterra
Photo: reference
It was on this date in 1778 that Captain James Cook...
1. 1935: Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly from Hawaii to California
Photo: hawaii
Photo: emaze
It was on this date in 1935 that Amelia Ea...
1. 1895: The first paid public screening of a movie
Photo: film
Photo: nytimes
It was on this date in 1895 that two French brothers, Auguste and Louis ...
1. 1970: Elvis meets with President Nixon
Photo: dailymail
Photo: dailymail
It was on this date in 1970 that Elvis Presley met with President Nixon to ...