Last week, we covered the early precursors to one of the world's most beloved genres of TV, movies, and literature: Science Fiction, or SciF...
ASWAN, EGYPT - Egypt's antiques ministry announced an amazing new discovery on May 24 of a new, non-royal burial found in a necropoli...
ATHENS, GREECE - Archaeologists have uncovered what they believe to be the first Oracle ever built to the Greek god Apollo.
When we th...
"Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed." - Mad Jack Churchill
PHOTO: Wikimedia
World War II swept down onto Europe. The ...
"When we dug out the skull we were scared to death and even called the local police station. A bit later we realised that we should have called the local museum...
People are idiots. If you've studied history, you know this quite well by now. Now, there's crazy stupid, prideful stupid, and stupid stupid, and you'll find th...
"We will accept nothing less than full victory." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
It was the one of the largest amphibious military assaults in his...
Charles VI sets his dinner guests on fire. PHOTO:
Last time, on History's Nutcases, we covered the most notorious female serial killer of all ...
Last time in Unexplained History, we covered Stonehenge. Specifically, we covered all the theories on who built it and how long ago it wa...
PHOTO: TreasureNet
CAIRO, EGYPT - Researchers from Milan Polytechnic, Pisa University, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo itself discovered that King Tut's da...
Elizabeth Lundin is a Portland-based freelance writer and blogger who enjoys writing about history almost as much as she enjoys reading it: which is quite a lot.