Deep within the waters surrounding Hong Kong lays one of the oldest maritime artifacts to be found in China. A group of divers recently uncovered a 1,000 year o...
Over 150 years after Jewett Williams military service, his ashes will be returned to his home state of Maine. The volunteers will endeavor on a cross country mo...
" is one of the largest burial chambers we have ever found,” - Dr. Jaime Awe.
XUNANTUNICH, BELIZE - Archaeologist Dr. Jaime Awe made h...
It was December of 1835. Texas was fighting a bloody battle for independence from Mexico. It was at an old Franciscan mission called ...
The face you're looking at is 3,700 years old. Her name is Ava, and she was created using top-of-the-line facial reconstruction software and...
“Modern medicine tends to assume that cancers and tumours in humans are diseases caused by modern lifestyles and environments. Our studies show the origins of t...
A recent discovery has revealed that carnivorous dinosaurs may have been roaming around South America for much longer than we've previously believed. A record-s...
“The feeling you get is that they are either terrified of something on the outside or they are protecting something really valuable on the inside." - Dr. Kate R...
An interesting discovery was found within a convent in Naples, Italy. Within the margins of a medieval manuscript, researchers found what appear to be doodles t...
During an excavation in northern Israel, an ancient potters' workshop has been discovered. Experts believe that this ancient workshop dates all the way back to ...