History is forged in the fires of war and creativity. Throughout humanity's timeline, there have been a select view inventions that have absolutely altered the ...
Ubiquitous yet unseen, most of the modern world runs on computers. So well in fact, that we have become accustomed to its benefits and pleasantries, expecting n...
" mind and personality seem to us superhuman, while the man himself mysterious and remote." - Art Historian Helen Gardner.
PHOTO: oceansvibe.com
Born in 14...
American electrical engineer Elisha Gray was one of the co-founders of the Western Electric Manufacturing Company and also developed the telephone prototype in ...
Sometimes, people set out with an idea in their heads to invent something useful. Other times, they create something completely by accident that ends up changin...
PHOTO: John K. Stuff
Today, we have thousands of breakfast options available on our grocery store shelves. There's a million brands of breakfast cereal, gra...
The roaring ‘20s were a time for parties, dancing and having a good time. Nestled just before the financial crash of the Great Depression, the ‘20s were a time ...
Thomas Edison is famous for creating numerous history-altering inventions, including the movie camera. In this rare footage from almost exactly a cent...
(Source: studyblue.com)
If you’ve ever heard that the modern day cellphone is an adaptation of Greek technology, you were lied to. The cell phone is actuall...
source: teslasociety.com
Nikola Tesla is best known for contributing to the design of the alternating current (AC). He was an inventor, electrical and mecha...