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History is littered with strange artifacts. Archaeologists dig new things up all the time. Books surface, strange maps are found on the bla...
It came as a horrible surprise. Just a few weeks before, a museum in Norway had intended to move invaluable Viking artifac...
Last time on History's Badasses, we covered a man named Simo Häyhä. He has been widely regarded by historians as one of the most su...
For hundreds of years, schools have taught that the Greek mathematician, Euclid, is the father of geometry, and that Pythagoras ...
" mind and personality seem to us superhuman, while the man himself mysterious and remote." - Art Historian Helen Gardner.
Born in 14...
This year's eclipse was captured by millions of people with their smartphones and cameras. For a few minutes, it felt like the whole wor...
“There’s a lot more variability in human cultures, and cultural behavior, than we might think.” - Pat Shipman, anthropology professor at Penn State University.
In AD 1066, a date widely regarded as one of the most important dates in all of world history, William the Conqueror invaded S...
Duchess Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was married to King Frederick William III of Prussia, making her the Queen Consort, from 1797-1810. In 1807, Louise met w...
Grace Brewster Murray Hopper was a United States Navy rear admiral and a computer scientist who was one of the Harvard Mark I’s first programmers. Hopper was a ...