1. 1933: Franklin Delano Roosevelt sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States of America

PHOTO: YouTube

The 1930’s were some tough years altogether, the great depression was going on at that time. We were on the verge of a major war. Things were tough. On this day in 1933 FDR gets inaugurated as the 32nd President of the United States. He was the last President to serve more than 2 consecutive terms in office service a total of 12 years, 3 terms. He was also in office during World War II and he played a huge part in the U.S. entrance into the war.
2. 1995: Comedic legend John Candy dies at the young age of 43

PHOTO: Reddit

PHOTO: Ibtimes
It was a sad day on this day 1995 when the Iconic actor John Candy passes away at just 43 years old from a massive heart attack. John was living outside Durango, Mexico for the shooting of his last movie “Wagons East” that co-starred Comedian Richard Lewis. Candy was born in Canada and did very well for himself on the Canadian Show Second Comedy Troupe which led to him being broadcast on network SCTV in 1981 where he won an Emmy for his comedic work. Then in 1984 he got his big movie break playing Tom Hanks brother in Splash directed by Ron Howard. Candy was a big man at about 6 foot 3 inches tall and close to 300 lbs and he wasn’t afraid to use it to his advantage to make the joke, or the scene, or even the punchline better. One of my personal favorites would have to be when he teamed up with Steve Martin Planes, Trains, and Automobiles where Candy plays the lovable but also biggest pain in the ass shower curtain ring salesmen you’ve ever seen before. Candy was married to his lovely wife Rosemary and two children Christopher and Jennifer.
3. 1966: John Lennon makes his first controversial comment to the press starting the ” Bigger than Jesus” scandal.

PHOTO: pinterest

PHOTO: Interestingandweird
What all stated with a normal interview with the Rock Superstars The Beatles when John Lennon made this harmless comment about how religion seemed to be fading away and loosing its core meaning, “Christianity will go,” Lennon said. “It will vanish and shrink….We’re more popular than Jesus now.” Five months later The American Press Got a hold of that interview and focused strictly on the words “We’re more popular than Jesus now” not caring at all about the context of why or how it was said. But that didn’t matter and within a few short months there was a large group of disc jockeys from down South in the bible belt that banned all Beatles music and even advertised “Burning all Beatles Records and Memorabilia” Word got back to John and the boys that they were burning Beatles Records John said ” he couldn’t leave this world knowing that he had been the cause of any sort of hate” even if it it was just ignorant people blowing things out of proportion and running with it. So At a press conference in Chicago he got up and Apologized, Not for what he had said, but for how it was misinterpreted and used to promote hate. “I’m not anti-God, anti-Christ or anti-religion. I was not saying we are greater or better. I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I’m sorry I said it, really. I never meant it to be a lousy anti-religious thing. From what I’ve read, or observed, Christianity just seems to be shrinking, to be losing contact.” said John.