Looking at this 87-year-old man, it’s hard to picture him when he was in his glory years, and you would never have guessed that he fathered over 1300 illegitimate children throughout his life. Yes, using DNA testing and testimonies gathered over a 15 year period, private investigator Sid Roy has come to the conclusion that this 87-year-old man has literally thousands of children running around the region of Nashville, Tennessee.

PHOTO: Pinterest
It started when two men that weren’t connected in any way contacted Roy to find out who their father was, and upon his research, he found that this old man was the father of both men. “What are the odds of that happening?” he thought to himself, and that continued to bother him to the point where every spare minute he had he was going over testimonies. Then, when the DNA testing became more affordable, he started doing DNA tests to back up his stories. Roy spent the next 15 years of his life compiling this information and now has teamed up with Author Anthony Kendall to write a book about this man.
When asked about it, the old man replied with some of the best responses such as “contraception wasn’t very popular in those days.” Then it got even better when he continued with “I have nothing to be ashamed of. The 60’s were the good old days and I did a great Johnny Cash impression which played out real good with the ladies, some even thought I was Johnny Cash for real.” But his final comment might be the best one, “I don’t know if they really believed it or if they were trying to convince themselves, but who was I to say no to a quickie?”

PHOTO: DawgShed
When you think about it, if word got out on the specifics of this it could really ruin some lives. How many men raised kids thinking that they had fathered them, but actually the mailman did? How many lives could be ruined if a list or something were to get out? As ridiculous as it may be to have 1300 children, think how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren there must be. If they could magically get all of them together, they would probably fill the Madison Square Garden. So Roy was not willing to release any of that information, at least as of yet. He will probably do it all in the book where he can get paid for it.
So bottom line, don’t use the old ” mailman is your dad” joke when you’re in the Nashville area because for all you know it could absolutely be true.
Disclaimer: There have been rumors going around that this story might be greatly exaggerated, but nonetheless it is a great story.