1. 1899: Ernest Hemingway was born

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It was on this date in 1899 that one of most iconic American novelists, Ernest Hemingway was born. Hemingway was famous for many things, but his books by far out weighed the rest. Some of his most famous titles include The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls. He grew up in Oak Park Illinois where he would finish high school. From there he would work at The Kansas City Star for a few months before enlisting in World War I as an ambulance driver. However after being seriously injured he was sent home. It was these experience that he used in the book A Farewell to Arms. In 1953 he won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the following year picked up the Nobel Prize in Literature. Also in 1953 he survived two plane crashes in Africa so there was never a dull moment in this mans life. However after suffering from severe anxiety and depression he committed suicide at his home in Ketchum , Idaho.