Much of the traditional narrative of the human race as told by history textbooks is that we began as backwards, prejudiced people who lived in predominantly pat...
Say the word voodoo and you might conjure up any number of images. The act has become so entrenched in the dark arts that many of us fail to look at it any clos...
TEL DOR, ISRAEL - Researchers with the University of Haifa have made an incredible underwater discovery: an unique Roman inscription ...
A team of scientists from ANSTO's Centre for Accelerator Science have developed a new technique that now makes it possible to use radioc...
PHOTO: wikimedia
ASHKELON CEMETERY, ISRAEL - Archaeologists have made an incredible discovery along Israel's coast: a 3,000 year-old Philistine cemetery tha...
Think history is just a boring list of names and dates? Think again. There's hundreds of amusing stories that they don't tell you in history class. Some of thos...
The only thing worse than a bank heist around $1-billion (USD) is when the person in charge, not of the bank but of the country, commits that theft. Sad, but tr...
"Different animal species were unearthed in Emperor Qinshihuang's mausoleum, including real animals and those made of pottery or iron." - Wu Lina, Researcher wi...
"There are literally many thousands of Safaitic inscriptions and petroglyphs in the Jebel Qurma region, which suggests that people intensively used the area." -...
Across the world, there are any number of myths and legends that are still making the rounds. While many of us take the stories we take with a pinch of salt, th...