‘All great men have their statues and it’s but their due,
But I wonder why the ladies don’t have them too;
If they did, to the Academy I’d like to send,
A bu...
PHOTO: leamingtonhistory.co.uk
Last time on History's Nutcases, we covered boy-emperor of Rome, Elagabalus, whose hot temper, sexual preferences, and ridicu...
"The name Elagabalus is branded in history above all others unspeakably disgusting life." - Barthold Georg Niebuhr
PHOTO: ancient.eu
Last week, we covered...
Thus far on History's nutcases, we've had a good mix of the harmless, like King George III, and the utterly diabolical, like last week's Nero. This week, we're ...
Last week on History's Nutcases, we covered Mad King George III of England. This week, we're jumping back in time again to another Roman Emperor, one you've def...
PHOTO: history.com
Last time on History's Nutcases, we covered the remarkable Zhengde Emperor. This time, we'll be pointing out another peculiar monarch in ...
Photo: smartied
Back in October of 1962, the world was on the brink of a thermonuclear war that would change the course of humanity. Most people know about ...
PHOTO: flickr
Last time on History's Nutcases, we talked about a man named Jemmy Hirst, who fancied riding a bull he'd trained to jump fences like a horse, ...
Photo: metvnetwork
The Beverly Hillbillies might be one of the more recognizable TV families that you know of, but there are quite a few things that maybe y...
PHOTO: io9.com
Last time on History's Nutcases, we talked about the famous Romantic poet, Lord Byron, whose life was characterized by love affairs, strange ...