Across the world, millions of people use computers as a part of their everyday life. While the digital tools are very much a part of everything we do now, they ...
The Victorian era is responsible for a great deal of change brought about in history. As well as bringing about the electric lightbulb, the time altered the way...
"It is emotional when you have worked on a project such as this, touched it, walked on it and closely examined it, to then rebury it. But for now, that is what ...
Some archaeologists in Manchester, England have recently uncovered a forgotten 200-year-old pub beneath the city! And guess what? There were still many untouche...
Photo: thejakartapost
Jawa is an Indonesian island that happens to be one of the most densely populated islands in the entire world, with an estimated popul...
"It is true miracle that Nikolay Tarasov found it...It is one of the most significant archaeological exhibit in our collection. It is on display now and we welc...
“Humans were a bit of a fair-weather friend—we were not as reliable as they were. We could do to be a little more doglike.” - Melinda Zeder, an archaeozoologist...
The city of Atlantis is something that has been making the folklore rounds for years now. While the sunken city appears repeatedly in mythology, it has never be...
Mount Lykaion, Greece. MOUNT LYKAION, GREECE - The discovery of a 3,000 year-old skeleton near a sacrificial altar on a mountaintop in Greece has the archaeolo...