A team of scientists from ANSTO's Centre for Accelerator Science have developed a new technique that now makes it possible to use radioc...
The Victorian Era was a time of change, of innovation, and of really strange social values. Victorian society had all sorts of quirks, especially the upper clas...
Some of the most rare photos are also the ones that stop us in our tracks as we linger on the image. The emotion, the horror, the joy...whatever the feeling the...
When most children in the world are thinking of a jolly, round old man with a white beard who's going to come clambering down their chimn...
PHOTO: wikimedia
ASHKELON CEMETERY, ISRAEL - Archaeologists have made an incredible discovery along Israel's coast: a 3,000 year-old Philistine cemetery tha...
Dorothea Lynde Dix spent much of her career as an educator and social reformer to working with the mentally ill and creating some of the first mental asylums in...
The city of Byblos is considered by the UNESCO World Heritage Foundation to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited citi...
Last time on History's Badasses, we covered martial arts badass, actor, and director Bruce Lee. This time, we're talking about the f...
Think history is just a boring list of names and dates? Think again. There's hundreds of amusing stories that they don't tell you in history class. Some of thos...
Born in 1640, Aphra Behn was one of the first women in England to make a career out of writing. As a playwright, poet, translator, and Restoration era author, s...