Jane Addams was a leading women's rights activist and suffragist. She was one of the most prominent social reformers of the Progressive Era. As a suffragist, pi...
2016 has been quite a year, what with the American presidency changing hands, Brexit, David Bowie's death, and countless other events. Whether it's been a good ...
PHOTO: colombia.edu
New Year's Day seems like one of those facts of life that has always existed. The sun goes down on the old year and rises with the new. ...
PHOTO: photoshelter.com
In one of the biggest archaeological science breakthroughs of 2016, scientists have discovered a way to identify the handprints of 4...
Considered to be one of the greatest French writers, Victor Hugo was a Romantic movement novelist, poet, and dramatist from France. Today his two novels Les Mis...
"The goal of our research is to understand, among other things, what led to the end of the huge settlement and how its last inhabitants lived." - Professor Arka...
PHOTO: wikimedia.com
In December of 1914, bitter battles were fought in the trenches along the western front of World War I. The trenches were a horrific pl...
PHOTO: understandingthepath.com
During the Christmas Season, we hear a lot about "Yuletide" in Christmas songs everywhere, but where does this word come fro...
PHOTO: wishlearning.com
Hanukkah, or Chanukkah, the Jewish festival of re-dedication, sometimes known as the festival of lights, overlaps with Christmas thi...
The human race has been celebrating the holiday of Christmas for a very long time - about a thousand years, actually. Of course, no matter what time period in h...