Lucy Stone, the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree, was a well known suffragist along with being an orator and ...
Alice Paul was a prominent women’s right activist and suffragist. Paul was the main leader of the campaign for the Nineteenth Amendment, passed in 1920, which a...
PHOTO: dailymail.co.uk
Humans have been making music for at least 43,000 years. Archaeologists have found bone flutes dating back that far, and its probable...
PHOTO: haaretz.com
UPPER GALILEE, ISRAEL - Archaeologists discovered that the German Crusaders living in Montfort Castle on a hill in Galilee weren't there ...
PHOTO: The New York Times
Yesterday, three million women around the world joined with the Women's March on Washington to declare that "Women's rights are hu...
When the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) investigated the site of a proposed new train station in London, they weren't exactly expecting to find a stash of ...
"This is an important discovery, because we finally have proof that representatives of the Linear Pottery culture, who inhabited huge areas in Europe - from Par...
PHOTO: Design & Illustration
The narrative of history we find in most textbooks says very little about the regular person. It's all about kings and gene...
“It’s just a theory, an idea, but somebody has to say it first." - Bjarne Henning Nielsen.
PHOTO: iamwa.wordpress.com
Bjarne Henning Nielsen, a Danish arch...
PHOTO: globalnews.com
ALBERTA, CANADA - Last year, archaeologists with the Royal Alberta Museum dug up a 1,600-year-old roasting pit in southern Alberta, Ca...