Friday, April 27th, 2016. It was just a routine day for a group of Spanish construction workers in southern Spain, in the town of ...
PHOTO: wikimedia
Europe's Dark Ages have captivated people for centuries. There's been whole history textbooks written about them. They're shrouded in myste...
Virginia Woolf is known as one of the earliest modern writers to come out of the 20th century. She is known for her experimental style in works such as Mrs Dall...
The Palace of Westminster was burned down on the night of October 16th, 1834. Only a few pieces survived the fire, and were inte...
We all know Jane Austen's work, whether you've actually read her novels or have just seen movie adaptations. She is one of the most influential female writers t...
PHOTO: nerdist
In 1891, a legacy to rival all crime fiction to date began. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published his "A Scandal in Bohemia", in The Strand Magaz...
Known for his influential work during the beat generation Jack Kerouac is considered one the greats in the literary world. Kerouac is known for Big Sur, On the ...
There are a surprising amount of abandoned asylums all over the world. Filled with dark histories of abuse and neglect, many of these institutions couldn't keep...
In a dark and damp storage unit in New York City, boxes of undeveloped images sat waiting to be found for over a decade. The contents of the unit were being pre...
Last time, in History's Nutcases, we covered Caligula. This time in the series, we're taking a look at another insane ruler fro...