One of the notorious cults in history, the Manson family were responsible for one of the most trying times in American culture. Coming to the limelight in the 1...
The Salem Witch Trials were an infamous series of events occurring in early 1692. In Salem Village, Massachusetts, two young girls were accused of being possess...
The ambulance has taken many forms over the years. Everything from the simplest form of two sticks carried between two men clearing the battlefield to the moder...
Photo: wiki
The Berlin Airlift was one of the biggest logistical nightmares of the Cold War. Lasting over a year, it consisted of more than 250,000 flights ...
One of the most iconic figures to ever come out of cinema, Jessica Rabbit is a character that is instantly recognized by many. First coming to fame in the carto...
"Our reported footprint date is not only the oldest human fossil evidence, but also the oldest archaeological evidence, reported from the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin....
On February 9th of 1964, The Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in New York City. The band was so well received that they were on again the very nex...
"It's important to me to try to get the period clothing, eye and hair color right. What's amazing to me is you see things in the image during the process that...
"The Man" ritual burning at the end of the eventPhoto: businessinsider
Every summer in the middle of the hot and dry Nevada desert, over 65,000 people gathe...
The way that we eat during certain periods can tell future generations a lot about our way of life. By simply looking at the recipes that we use now, future his...