Urban legends have a way of sticking around in popular folklore, taking on a life of their own over the years. What once was just a scary story for children, ho...
Buildings and places have a habit of getting tied to certain points in history, becoming linked inextricably to an event. While certain constructions have this ...
PHOTO: theblackmancan.org
Kwanzaa is the newest addition to the winter holidays. It was created fifty years ago, and since it's so new, it's often misunders...
It was a cold day in Long Island that January 1939 when William “Willy” Patrick Hitler immigrated with his Irish mother to the United States. William Randolph H...
Major historical breakthroughs in science often come with a dark backstory. While we might be on the road to developing safe methods of treating illness, it was...
Louisa May Alcott is known for her famous classic Little Women, published in 1868. She wrote two sequels to the book as well. Throughout her life, her...
Photo: metvnetwork
The Beverly Hillbillies might be one of the more recognizable TV families that you know of, but there are quite a few things that maybe y...
Over the course of history people rise and people fall. Generally, there is a cyclical process to those in charge. For some elite, however, success seems to com...
Figures come and figures go and only the very best have a habit of sticking around in the popular memory. Many of our most treasured fictional characters have v...
As one of the most decorated soldiers in WWII, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Louis Urban is the sort of guy they make movies about, but the story almost had a sad end...