Wanchana Sawatdee as King Naresuan in film The Legend of Naresuan. Last time on History's Badasses, we covered William Wallace, the brave Scotsman who defied a...
"This literally is a site where people suffered an attrition to the very end and I would suspect that probably nobody survived this and the Roman army moved on ...
PHOTO: jewishpress.com
A cache of metal artifacts recovered from the ocean has been recently uncovered by Israeli antiquities authorities. Among them - a ha...
"We were lucky that the black paintings were made with coal. If you look at the archaeological literature globally, there are very few absolute dates for rock a...
"We can at this point affirm that this discovery is one of the most important Etruscan discoveries of the last few decades. It's a discovery that will provide n...
PHOTO: Tumblr
Last time on A History of Science Fiction, we talked about what's generally referred to as the 'Golden Age of Science Fiction'. It was an era ...
“It’s mind-boggling and unpredictable. We don’t really know what is in here. Every single telegram has a story behind it, from the president to the greatest gen...
PHOTO: historytoday.com
Last time, on Battles That Made History, we covered Salamis Bay: the historical naval battle that was responsible for crushing the P...
“he remarkable persistence of mammoths on … St. Paul Island until the mid-Holocene suggests that isolated megafaunal populations can survive thousands of years ...
“These pictographs are codified information that was either transmitted among the people, or it was an attempt to transmit information from the societies to th...
Elizabeth Lundin is a Portland-based freelance writer and blogger who enjoys writing about history almost as much as she enjoys reading it: which is quite a lot.