Nikola Tesla is best known for contributing to the design of the alternating current (AC). He was an inventor, electrical and mecha...
Battle of Chesapeake. Source:
Without the French, America may have never won the Revolutionary War. At that time, it was only a group of thirt...
Lucretia Mott was a leading abolitionist and feminist before, during, and after the American Civil War. In 1833, Mott took part in estab...
First invented in the 1860s, the typewriter was very popular, and used for any type of writing, with the exception of personal letters and correspondence. By th...
source: uppercanadahistory.cA
General Sir Henry Clinton was a British General during the American Revolutionary War. After arriving in Boston three years pr...
On September 16, 1620, 102 English passengers set sail on the Mayflower as it made its way from Plymouth and arrived in Cape Cod in November of the same yea...
Florence Nightingale was an English nurse known for her work during the Crimean war. Every night, she would make rounds through the camps,...
Between the 1400s-1800s, the Atlantic slave trade, or the transatlantic slave trade, took place. West Africans would be sold into slaver...