Dorothea Lynde Dix spent much of her career as an educator and social reformer to working with the mentally ill and creating some of the first mental asylums in...
Born in 1640, Aphra Behn was one of the first women in England to make a career out of writing. As a playwright, poet, translator, and Restoration era author, s...
Before the fifty states or even the United States, America had the Thirteen Colonies. Now, just about everyone in the U.S. has heard of the Thirteen Colonies, t...
Isabella I of Castile ruled as Queen of Castile and León from December 11, 1474 until her death on November 26, 1504. Though she struggled to claim the throne f...
The June Rebellion, also known as the Paris Uprising of 1832, took place between June 5-6, 1832. Anti-monarchist republicans in Paris began the uprising attempt...
An accomplished journalist and orator, German born Carl Christian Schurz became the first elected member of the United States Senate born in Germany in 1869. He...
Up until the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, women were unable to vote. After decades of women’s suffragists fighting for their rights, they were final...
Dolley Payne Todd Madison remains one of the most notable First Ladies of the United States, her husband James Madison serving from March 4, 1809-March 4, 1817....
Lafayette, now imprisoned by the Austrians, was kept in Nivelles, now a municipality in Belgium. Along with a few other men and Jean-Xavier Bureau de Pusy, Lafa...
The Siege of Yorktown unofficially marked the end of the Revolutionary War, though a treaty between Britain and America was not signed until later. When the tre...