First Images Of The Giza Pyramids 1870-1875
Photo: Dawgshed
French Academician François Arago (1786-1853) endorsed the new medium in 1839 claiming it would provide a labor-saving means “to copy the millions and millions of hieroglyphics which entirely cover the great monuments at Thebes, Memphis and Carnac, etc.
Giza Pyramids and Tombs of Bedouins
Photo: Dawgshed
The Giza Pyramids & The Sphinx
Photo: Dawgshed
Walking On The Moon
Photo: Allthatisinteresting
Apollo 11 crew members capture mankind’s first physical brush with the moon in July, 1969. Again, controversy reared its head when people believed that we never really walked on the moon but rather shot the images in a sound stage.
Disneyland 1961
If you walked into the Disneyland studios cafeteria in 1961, you would see this cast of characters on a daily basis. The theme park brought a nice distraction to everyday life and today celebrates its 6oth anniversary.
Tear It Down
A German takes a sledgehammer to the Berlin Wall as East Berlin border guards look on from above the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in November, 1989. East Germany had been separated from the west for 25 years.
Jimi Hendrix Jamming
Jimi Hendrix jams in a hotel room after his band opened for the Monkees in 1967. Hendrix dropped off the tour after only 8 shows because he felt it wasn’t helping his band.
A Helping Hand
A firefighter gives water to a an exhausted koala during the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia, in 2009
Alan Sheppard
Allan Sheppard in the hull of the ship awaiting to be the first American into space. 1961
The Man Seen Around The World
A man, once famously known as “Tank Man,” stands in front of a convoy of tanks in the Avenue of Eternal Peace in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in this June 5, 1989 photo. The man stood in front of an envoy of tanks, risking his life for student protesters.
A Mother’s Love
Photo: Worldpressphoto
A small hand from a malnourished one-year-old are pressed against the lips of his mother in northwestern Niger, 2005
The End Of The Cold War
President Ronald Reagan shakes hands at his first meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to sign an arms treaty in Geneva, 1985.
The Kiss
After a riot broke out in Vancouver, a man goes to help a woman to her feet and they share a quiet moment in the middle of a maelstrom.
Last Days of a Tyrant
Photo:Washington Post
A statue of Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein falls in central Baghdad on April 9, 2003. U.S. troops pulled down a 20-foot high statue and Iraqis danced on it in contempt for the man who ruled them with an iron grip for 24 years.
The Last Goodbye
Photo: ibitimes
Lesleigh Coyer, 25, of Saginaw, Michigan, lies down in front of the grave of her brother, Ryan Coyer, who served with the U.S. Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Coyer died of complications from an injury sustained in Afghanistan.
A Golden Era
A 1950’s car lot in Grosse Pointe Michigan holds beautiful cars ready to drive. The 1950’s area golden era for the US.
Olympic Controversy
Photo: Extravaganzi
Twenty-two-year-old American Jesse Owens wins gold above his German competitor at the Olympic games in 1936. This photo was all the more important as Hitler was in attendance to see it firsthand.
Future President & Senator
Photo: Reddit
Bill and Hillary Clinton when they first met in College at Yale in 1972.
Super Bowl VII
The Dolphins defeat the Redskins to finish the only undefeated season in NFL history. Jan 14 1973
This picture points out the injustice of social segregation and became a symbol for the need for change. Looking at it now speaks volumes about how the world has changed.
Short Man-Tall Woman
Photo: Reddit
Surfing Champion Donald Takayama in Oceanside California 1965. He’s 5’3″ and the woman is actress Bettina Brenna who is 6’1″.
World War II
Photo: Lugarte
An American flag is raised atop Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, on Feb. 23, 1945. Joe Rosenthal took this famous picture on the fifth day of the furious 36-day battle that left 6,621 American dead and 19,217 wounded.
A Veteran Remembers
An old WW2 Russian tank veteran breaks down by a tank in a Russian town as it sits as a monument. The old veteran breaks down at the sight of seeing the tank in which he fought throughout the entire war.
A Sons Salute
John F. Kennedy Jr. salutes his father at JFK’s November 1963 state funeral.JFK Jr. would die young as well as he perished in a plane crash on July 16, 1999.
President Bush Gets Word of 9/11 Attack

Photo: imgur
The whisper that would ultimately change President Bush’s life, as well as every American, September 11, 2001. During a visit of a Miami Elementary School The Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, leans in to inform the President that there had just been an attack on the World Trade Center. Many people criticized him for how he reacted to the news, some claimed he was in shock. But he later pointed out that he didn’t want to cause panic or concern to the children at the school as well as the entire country watching.
Dewey Defeats Truman

Photo: photographyschoolonline
One of the most famous newspaper headline blunders of all time back in 1948 when the Chicago Tribune makes the assumption that Truman didn’t stand a chance against the Governor of New York Thomas Dewey. so in order to meet a deadline they decided to run with the “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline for their November 3rd issue back in 1948. Truman would come from behind to win the election becoming the 33rd President of the United States and posed for this iconic picture showing the world what rushed journalism looks like.
The Beatles Abby Road

Photo: photographyschoolonline
One of the most recognizable Beatles pictures shows the four band members walking in unison on a crosswalk with the famous Abbey Road in the background. This would be the cover for the last album the Beatles would record before they officially broke up in April of 1970 when Paul McCartney announced he would be quitting the band.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Photo: Businessinsider
Albert Einstein might have one of the most recognizable faces in the world with is crazy hair and big mustache, but he was also considered to be the most brilliant mind of the modern era. His genius goes far beyond anything that we can comprehend but without the understanding of this short three letter equation life as we know it would be totally different. Einsteins Theory of Relativity would be essential in the creation of Nuclear technology as well as everyday things like making sure your GPS is as accurate as possible.
I Have A Dream

Photo: thesun
August 23rd 1963 Martin Luther King gives his famous “I have a dream” speech during a March on Washington for JObs and Freedom. The speech would take place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of over 250,000 people in attendance that day. In it he called for end of Racism in America and would go on to be one of the defining moments in the Civil Right Movement.
The Surface of Mars

Photo: buzzfeed
Thanks to the Curiosity Space Rover that was sent on a mission to Mars we were able to get this almost crystal clear image taken from the surface of Mars. There hadn’t been anything that could provide a shot with this level of clarity. The Curiosity Rover was about the size of a standard automobile and landed on mars August 6th 2012 and still to this day is roaming around taking pictures.
The Freeefall From Space

Photo: Buzzfeed
Felix Baumgartner shocked the world when he announced that he would be attempting a skydive free fall from the edge of space, nearly 24 miles above the ground. Sponsored by Red bull, Felix attached himself to helium weather balloons that would take him up to the ridiculous height that would require him to wear a version of a full blown space suit that NASA astronauts would wear. He would be in free fall for a total of 4 minutes and 19 seconds and reached a speeds over 800Mph becoming the first human being to break the sound barrier without the use of a vehicle.
One Love Peace Concert

Photo: inityweekley
Bob Marley performs at the One Love Peace Concert at the National Stadium in Kingston Jamaica that some referred to as the “third world Woodstock” because of the quality of musicians that wold be both performing at and attending the show. It was considered to be one of the top ten concerts of all time according to the BBC. Marley was known to be heavily involved in politics and in a show of peace he was able to get bitter Political Rivals, Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley and the opposition leader Edward Seaga on stag at the same time, and even go them to shake hands.