However, our world has been around for a long time, leaving behind some mysterious landmarks whose stories aren’t quite as clear.
Let’s take a look at some of the most mysterious and mind-blowing discoveries that have been found on earth.

Photo: Mental Floss
Antikythera Mechanism

Photo: Your Daily Media
This ancient artifact was designed to predict eclipses and other astronomical positions. The mechanism was discovered off the coast of Antikythera in Greece and dates back to 100 BC. The Antikythera Mechanism is believed to be the first analog computer to exist. Many parts of the mechanism haven’t been found, but some have continued to discover pieces that fit into this ancient computer.
Unfinished Obelisk

Photo: Egypt Tours Gate
This particular obelisk is located in Aswan, Egypt. Ordered by Hatshesput around 1500 BC to accompany the Lateran Obelisk. The obelisk is carved right out of the bedrock until cracks began to develop in the structure. Once the cracks formed the project was eventually abandoned and has been left there ever since.
Baigong Pipes
Found near Mount Baigong in China, these pipe-like structures make up part of the mountain. Some researchers have even reported seeing these pipe structures within the caves located in Mount Baigong.

Photo: Wikipedia
Located in Sindh, Pakistan the Mohenjo Daro was built around 2500 BCE. Considered one of the largest settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization, the site was eventually abandoned around the 19th century BCE.
European Stone Age Tunnels

Photo: Daily Mail
One of the most impressive ancient tunnels to be found on the entire earth is believed to make its way from Scotland to Turkey. Experts believe that this tunnel system was used by man to escape predators and travel safely regardless off the situation above ground. One thing we know for sure, if you’re claustrophobic these tunnels are definitely not the best method of transportation.
Mummified Hand

Photo: Mental Floss
Now located in the Whitby Museum lies the unsettling mummified hand, which is considered the last of its kind. This mummified hand is also known as a “Hand of Glory,” which burglars used during the 18th century to keep the occupants in a deep sleep. These hands were supposedly taken from criminals once they’d been hung and drained of all the blood. Once drained the hands were then wrapped, pickled, and eventually dipped in the fat of a dead felon. Felons would use these hands once inside the houses they would burglarize and light each finger on fire. Legend goes that if the fingers stayed on fire the families would not wake from their sleep.
The Mount Owen Claw

Photo: The Epoch Times
What’s even more frightening than a mummified hand? Well, a Moa bird might be the answer to that question. In Mount Owen New Zealand a dinosaur like claw was found by a group of archeologists. The Moa is believed to have existed 18 million years ago, but is obviously extinct now. Researchers beleive that the Moa reached over 10 feet tall and had feathers all over its body except for its beak and feet.

Photo: Ancient Hebrew
Located in Cusco, Peru this ancient citadel was built by the Killke in 900 AD. The walls were constructed with huge stones and workers cut boulders to form the structure.
Coded Medieval Sword

Photo: Ancient Origins
On display at the British Library, this mysterious sword was found in River Witham in England. The sword dates back to the 13th century and has a mysterious inscription running down the center of the sword. It contains 18 letters and continues to baffle historians.
The Longyou Caves

Photo: Trip Advisor
These mysterious caves were discovered in 1992, the Longyou Caves are located in China. Carved out of siltstone, these caves are believed to have been created before the Qin Dynasty. The weirdest part about these caves, there has been no historic record of their construction or existence until now.
The Voynich Manuscript

Photo: BBC
Written in an unknown writing system, this mysterious manuscript dates back to the 15th century. Containing 240 pages, this manuscript is illustrated and colored. The manuscript is filled with illustrations and diagrams and most of the text is written from left to right. Unfortunately, many skilled cryptographers and codebreakers have tried and failed many times to figure out what this manuscript has to say.
The Screaming Mummy

Photo: Daily Mail
Researchers believe that this screaming mummy is none other than Prince Pentewere, the eldest son to Rameses III. This particular mummy was found near Cairo in the Deir El Bahri valley. This particular body was buried alongside many of the great pharaohs, but in an unmarked and undecorated coffin. Many researchers believe that this mysterious mummy, now named Man E, was sentenced to death after his plot to murder his father and ascend to the throne. The body contained all of his organs which was highly unusual at the time, even for someone who had committed a crime.
The Gate of the Sun

Photo: The Beauty of Travel
This solid stone archway is believed to be constructed by the ancient Tiwanaku people. Located near La Paz, Bolivia the ancient structure sits at around 9 feet tall and 13 feet wide. The most amazing thing about the structure is that it is completely constructed out of one solid piece of stone.
Ancient Nuclear Reactor

Photo: Disclose
An ancient nuclear reactor was discovered in 1970 in West Africa. This nuclear reactor is very special though, this was created completely by mother nature. Oklo reactors were discovered and have been dead for around 1.5 billion years. These reactors are believed to have held a few stable nuclear fission reactions, some lasting for around 300,000 years.
Grave of Headless Vikings

Photo: Ancient Origins
This mass grave is located in Weymouth, Dorset and contains around 54 skeletons and 51 heads. Experts believe that the men were executed around 910 AD to 1030 AD. The cause of death is unknown, but researchers believe that these deaths could have been caused by the conflict between the Anglo-Saxons and Viking invaders.
Stone Spheres

Photo: World Mysteries
Located in Costa Rica, these stone spheres are also referred to as the Diquís Spheres. The meaning behind these spheres remains unknown, but experts believe that these were placed in lines approaching the houses of the chiefs of the Diquís culture.
L’anse Aux Meadows

Photo: Land of First Contact
Located in Newfoundland, L’Anse Aux Meadows is believed to be a Viking settlement. The site is also believed to be part of the pre-Columbian transoceanic contact.
Yonaguni Monument

Photo: The Mind Unleashed
This submerged rock formation is located off the coast of Yonaguni in Japan. Experts believe that the rock formations were completely man made. The main part of monument is made of fine sandstone and mudstone that form a rectangular formation around 90 feet tall.
Göbekli Tepe

Photo: The Other Tour
Göbekli Tepe is located at the top of a mountain in Turkey. The site consists of more than 200 pillars in 20 different circles. The pillars vary in length up to 20 feet and situated in the bedrock. No one knows what these structures were used for, but some believe it was used as a neolithic sanctuary.
Nazca Lines

Photo: Ancient Summit
These geoglyphs are located south of Lima. The geoglyphs were carved into the ground around 500 BC and 500 AD. The geoglyphs depict animals, plants, and geometric figures. They are amazing purely because of their size and and quantity as well as the continuity among each individual geoglyph.