1. 1938: Action Comics #1 is released

Actual $3 million issue
Photo: wiki

Photo: USAtoday
It was on this day that Action Comics #1 is released back in 1938 featuring start characters like Superman. It was published by Detective Comics, which is the predecessor of DC Comics as we know today. The Action Comic series would go on to run a total of 904 issues before the numbering system was changed in 2011. There was a original copy of the #1 issue that was graded at near mint condition that sold at auction for over $3 million becoming the only single comic issue to reach such high amount of money. The publisher originally had made 200,000 copies but they flew off the shelves so fast they had to go made another batch. The main reason for the popularity was of course Superman, and interestingly the superman stories were thrown in last minute due to deadline crunches. It wasn’t even part of the original plan.