Two weeks ago here at History Things, we explored the birth of the United States Constitution and the process by which America became a sovereign nation. Al...
In a World War II event known as The Bombardment of Ellwood, a Japanese submarine snuck in close to the Santa Barbara coastline, just off Goleta, California on...
Unsolved mysteries abound throughout history but for the people of Barbados, there are few tales quite as enduring as that of the Chase Family Vault. Located in...
This man saved the world in the 1980s, and you've probably never heard of him.
It was early in the morning during an overnight shift on Septem...
PHOTO: wikimedia
History is littered with strange artifacts. Archaeologists dig new things up all the time. Books surface, strange maps are found on the bla...
Last time on History's Badasses, we covered a man named Simo Häyhä. He has been widely regarded by historians as one of the most su...
PHOTO: Seeker
Historical records aren't always on paper. Sometimes, they're written in stone.
The Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004 was the third-largest t...
PHOTO: Flickr
VALLEY OF THE KINGS, EGYPT - famous archaeologist Zahi Hawass (former head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities) thinks he may have ...
When commercial shampoo began hitting store shelves in the 1930s, it changed the world. That begs the question, then, what did pe...