Cave of the Skulls, Judean Desert, Israel. DEAD SEA, ISRAEL - In a surprising turn of events, new fragments of text have been discovered in the Cave ...
Many experts say: cooking is what makes us human.
Last week, archaeologists may have found the earliest evidence of cooked food to-da...
The common rule of thumb from leading health experts is to get a full seven-to-nine hours of sleep every night, or else we risk accumulating sleep debt, failure...
Almost everyone has heard of the famous Delphic Oracle. Whether it was from a school textbook, a documentary heralding the en...
2016 has been quite a year, what with the American presidency changing hands, Brexit, David Bowie's death, and countless other events. Whether it's been a good ...
In December of 1914, bitter battles were fought in the trenches along the western front of World War I. The trenches were a horrific pl...
During the Christmas Season, we hear a lot about "Yuletide" in Christmas songs everywhere, but where does this word come fro...
The human race has been celebrating the holiday of Christmas for a very long time - about a thousand years, actually. Of course, no matter what time period in h...
Photo: metvnetwork
The Beverly Hillbillies might be one of the more recognizable TV families that you know of, but there are quite a few things that maybe y...
PHOTO: wikimedia
We all know Socrates as the classical Greek philosopher who is credited with being one of the main founders of modern thought. However, Soc...