PHOTO: wikimedia
Human beings have always been fascinated by the sea. The open ocean is a wild, untamed thing. It's in our nature to explore it and try to c...
The cover page of the games. Source:
In 1896 located in Athens, Greece, the first modern Summer Olympics took place between April 6-15th. Four...
Just off the coast of Cornwall, England lies the birthplace of King Arthur. Archaeologists have been investigating the are of Tintagel and have uncovered a wide...
"We found that Christians and pagans were buried together and we can conclude that, at the time, they lived in harmony and tolerance." - Miomir Korac, chief a...
PHOTO: Wikimedia
Last week on Battles That Made History, we covered the famous Siege of Yorktown. It was the battle that would bring about the downfall of t...
A recent discovery of human remains has got experts puzzled. Archaeologists have found the remains of a 3,000 year old skeleton near Mount Lykaion in Greece. Ex...
Clarissa “Clara” Harlowe Barton, an American Civil War nurse, is most notably known for being the founder of the American Red Cross and her humanitarian work. S...
Known for classics such as Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. George Orwell is still relevant today. Whether you've read his works in your free time or you w...
" is, without exaggeration, a discovery of international significance” - Vladmir Kuznetsov, director of Phanagoria Historical and Archaeological Museum-Preserve...
“It is very important that the story of the native population is put back into the narrative of Medieval Ireland,” - Kate Leonard, supervising archaeologist.