During the Christmas Season, we hear a lot about "Yuletide" in Christmas songs everywhere, but where does this word come fro...
Hanukkah, or Chanukkah, the Jewish festival of re-dedication, sometimes known as the festival of lights, overlaps with Christmas thi...
The human race has been celebrating the holiday of Christmas for a very long time - about a thousand years, actually. Of course, no matter what time period in h...
Kwanzaa is the newest addition to the winter holidays. It was created fifty years ago, and since it's so new, it's often misunders...
There's three main names that get thrown around a lot during the Christmas Season. You've got Santa Claus - the name you hear in a...
Louisa May Alcott is known for her famous classic Little Women, published in 1868. She wrote two sequels to the book as well. Throughout her life, her...
PHOTO: wikimedia
We all know Socrates as the classical Greek philosopher who is credited with being one of the main founders of modern thought. However, Soc...
Nothing says Christmas more than snow on the ground outside, a fire burning in the fireplace, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree,...
The world's oldest paycheck, which says the workers were paid in beer. Alcohol is integral to our existence as a species. Every culture, from tribes in the Ama...
Much of the traditional narrative of the human race as told by history textbooks is that we began as backwards, prejudiced people who lived in predominantly pat...