There is something so beautiful about abandoned buildings. They have been overtaken by Mother Nature and become one with their surroundings, yet there is someth...
Born in Virginia on April 13, 1743, Thomas Jefferson was a prominent Founding Father of the United States. Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of I...
Great Britain had been at war with the colonies for over a year in June/July, 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was created. It was ratified on July...
Never has a man created more wreckage in such a short amount of time. From the time Hitler took power in 1934 until his suicide in 1945, his s...
Abraham Lincoln's death was a dark moment in American history. It was an era where Presidents were not so closely guarded and his death at the h...
You don't have to look much further than a piece of Medieval art to know that it was vastly different from our own. Clothes were...
CAITHNESS, SCOTLAND - Archaeologists have found, once again, that Scotland seems to bear more historical resemblance to Scandinavian countrie...
NAHAL REPHA'IM BASIN, ISRAEL - Archaeologists were greeted with a surprising find when they opened up a 4,000-year-old Canaanite to...
For most of us, we have a relatively simple routine for getting ready in the morning. We roll out of bed, we (hopefully) brush our teeth and ...
STRZELIN, POLAND - the remains of a 700-year-old abandoned village have been rediscovered after nearly 70 years of searching. The quest...