The world is filled with some of the most amazing abandoned castles with beautiful and interesting histories. However, some remain a mystery. Either way these c...
Bill Gates is considered one of the founders of modern technology. We all know his most impressive accomplishment was the founding of Microsoft, but you can add...
Gertrude Stein was born on February 3rd, 1874 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Born to Daniel and Amelia Stein, Gertrude was the youngest member among her five sibli...
On July 21st, 1899, Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois to his father Clarence Edmonds and mother Grace Hall Hemingway. His father was a physician w...
This is the third of a four part series on the history of vaccines.
source: wikipedia
At this moment in history, the advances made in vaccinations began to...
F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His full name Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was taken from his second cousin on his ...
The Golden Age of Hollywood
The sound era brought on many changes that helped films develop into another era, The Golden Age of Hollywood. As we mentioned i...
Most people know him as the white wizard Saruman from The Lord of the Rings, or as Count Dooku from Star Wars. Some even know him as...
Yesterday we talked about the beginning of one of the biggest industries in the world. Today, we continue this very long history beginning with chase films. Yes...
If you just ask my Uncle Burl, the first classic country queen isn't Patsy Cline or even Dolly Parton. No, he will happily tell you precisely why that respect b...