Born Hunter Stockton Thompson on July 18th, 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky. Hunter's father served in World War I and then worked as an insurance agent until ...
With works such as Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and Something Wicked This Way Comes, it's hard not to be familiar with Ray Bradbury. Considered one o...
Whether you've read her novels or have seen the film adaptations, many of you are probably familiar with Daphne du Maruier's work. Even if you didn't know it. S...
Known for his novels White Fang, The Call of the Wild, and Martin Eden, Jack London has become one of the iconic authors in literary history. Today, let's take ...
We all know and love the novel Frankenstein. Whether you've read the famous novel or you've seen the film adaptations, we're all familiar with Mary Shelley. Tod...
Better known as Queen of the Air, Lillian Leitzel stunned audiences with her impressive aerial tricks. During her career, Leitzel was the headline act longer th...
In 1951, the USS Independence deliberately sunk off the coast of San Francisco. Yesterday, a group of researchers began their dive to investigate the wreckage a...
Archaeologists have found what is considered a new monument that dwarfs Stonehenge. Now being referred to as "Superhenge," archaeologists were able to discover ...
Finding rocket debris off the coast of Cape Canaveral is an ordinary occurrence. However, finding a 16th century shipwreck is completely out of the ordinary.
A group of treasure hunters have set out in an attempt to find the legendary Nazi train that was rumored to be filled with gold. Many scientists are skeptical a...