There is something so beautiful about abandoned buildings. They have been overtaken by Mother Nature and become one with their surroundings, yet there is someth...
Known for As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner is considered one of the greats. Today, let's take a look at this Nobel-Prize winning auth...
Raymond Carver has been credited with reviving the art of short stories. He is known for stories such as Cathedral, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, ...
Disputes over the rare Grolier Codex have been going on for decades. However, a group of researchers have determined that this rare text is actually real.
Oliver Cromwell led thousands of Scottish soldiers into the English Civil War over 350 years ago. Some soldiers were taken prisoner and were eventually buried i...
A recent discovery has uncovered a message hidden underneath Rome's massive obelisk. Why is this secret message so interesting? Well, it was written by none oth...
Born Hunter Stockton Thompson on July 18th, 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky. Hunter's father served in World War I and then worked as an insurance agent until ...
With works such as Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and Something Wicked This Way Comes, it's hard not to be familiar with Ray Bradbury. Considered one o...
Whether you've read her novels or have seen the film adaptations, many of you are probably familiar with Daphne du Maruier's work. Even if you didn't know it. S...
Known for his novels White Fang, The Call of the Wild, and Martin Eden, Jack London has become one of the iconic authors in literary history. Today, let's take ...