Better known as Queen of the Air, Lillian Leitzel stunned audiences with her impressive aerial tricks. During her career, Leitzel was the headline act longer th...
In 1951, the USS Independence deliberately sunk off the coast of San Francisco. Yesterday, a group of researchers began their dive to investigate the wreckage a...
Archaeologists have found what is considered a new monument that dwarfs Stonehenge. Now being referred to as "Superhenge," archaeologists were able to discover ...
Finding rocket debris off the coast of Cape Canaveral is an ordinary occurrence. However, finding a 16th century shipwreck is completely out of the ordinary.
A group of treasure hunters have set out in an attempt to find the legendary Nazi train that was rumored to be filled with gold. Many scientists are skeptical a...
Just off the coast of Cornwall, England lies the birthplace of King Arthur. Archaeologists have been investigating the are of Tintagel and have uncovered a wide...
A recent discovery of human remains has got experts puzzled. Archaeologists have found the remains of a 3,000 year old skeleton near Mount Lykaion in Greece. Ex...
Known for classics such as Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. George Orwell is still relevant today. Whether you've read his works in your free time or you w...
Known for her witty commentary on society, Edith Wharton has impressed us all with her novels The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth, and Ethan Frome. Wharton...
Sherlock Holmes has always been one of the most beloved literary characters in history. With new adaptations like Sherlock and Elementary giving Holmes new life...