“Modern medicine tends to assume that cancers and tumours in humans are diseases caused by modern lifestyles and environments. Our studies show the origins of t...
“The feeling you get is that they are either terrified of something on the outside or they are protecting something really valuable on the inside." - Dr. Kate R...
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - Mayan king Pakal's soul was destined to go down, not up, archaeologists say.
In 1968, Erich von Daniken wrote his famous book Chariots ...
Anglo-Saxon reenactment ROTHLEY, LEICESTERSHIRE - A new find is helping researchers reshape an old narrative about England's history.
England's ancient past...
“We are beginning to understand that the first peoples in the New World were just like us: intelligent, inventive, creative — and they found ways to adapt to a ...
"When I started as a young student, 25, 30 years ago, we thought the Moche was a culture led by powerful kings, warriors, or priests." - Archaeologist Luis Cast...
PHOTO: wikimedia
Last time on Unsolved Archaeology, we talked about the Moai of Easter Island, the sentries that face the sea and protect Rapa Nui from anyt...
PHOTO: wideopenspaces.com
Last time on History's Badasses, we covered the woman known as the "Spanish Joan of Arc": Agustina of Aragon. She was just your av...
PHOTO: LiveScience
SALEKHARD, RUSSIA - Archaeologists have found the remains of a 2,000 year old graveyard near the Arctic Circle. Why's it special? Well, i...
PHOTO: travelplanet.in
"I really believe that Cheops' chamber is not discovered yet, and all three chambers were just to deceive the thieves, and the treasure...
Elizabeth Lundin is a Portland-based freelance writer and blogger who enjoys writing about history almost as much as she enjoys reading it: which is quite a lot.