If you weren’t aware, today is Flag Day. The flag underwent many changes throughout its original conception. Today we now have a beautiful flag that we get to see everywhere we go throughout the country. We salute and sing to it to show our pride for being an American citizen. In honor of this important holiday, we’d like to share with you some interesting facts about Flag Day.

Photo: Prestige Flag
1.Flag Day is a Legal Holiday in Only One State
Ironically, Flag Day is not actually a federal holiday. The only state that observes Flag Day as an official legal holiday is Pennsylvania. In fact, Flag Day took quite a while to be recognized by most. Bernard Cigrand, also known as the father of Flag Day, began his lifelong mission to establish Flag Day as a holiday in 1885. Finally in 1949 that Congress proclaimed Flag Day as a national holiday. Because of Cigrand’s hard work, we now observe Flag Day as he’d originally intended.
2.The Color Scheme is Very Important
To produce an authentic American flag, you will need to refer to the Textile Color Card Association of the United States on the official colors. The United States flag has a very specific set of colors that are to be used on any official flag. The exact colors are known as “Old Glory Red” and “Old Glory Blue.”
3.Flag Day Isn’t Just About the Flag
Flag Day is also known as the day that Congress allowed soldiers to enlist in the Continental Army. So don’t forgot to wish the United States Army a Happy Birthday today too.
4.We Almost Weren’t Able to Observe Flag Day
During the 19th century many people were using the flag as an advertising tool. This practice isn’t new to many of us today, but lawmakers saw this tactic as “contempt” towards the banner. Some lawmakers tried to pass laws and restrictions about using the American flag as an advertising tool for their commercial products.
5.The Flag Hasn’t Always Had 13 Stripes
In 1794 the United States flag was commissioned to add two extra stars and stripes. This was to honor Kentucky and Vermont becoming part of the Union. The flag remained this way for quite a bit of time until concern grew over continuously adding stars and strips. Finally in 1818, thirteen stripes were declared as the permanent number of strips adorning the flag. However, stars would continue to be added as new states were admitted into the Union.
6.The Current Star Pattern Was Designed by a Student
Seventeen year old Robert G. Heft created the current design of the United States Flag’s star pattern. Yes, you read that correctly. A seventeen year old helped design our current flag. After Alaska and Hawaii became official states, thousands of students submitted their ideas for updating the flag. Robert G. Heft was required to design the new flag as a class project, his design was accepted by President Eisenhower after his submission.