1.Animas Forks, Colorado

Photo: Ghost Town Gallery
Northeast of Silverton Colorado, Animas Forks was yet another busy mining town. The town once contained 30 cabins, a general store, and a saloon. During 1884 the town became snowed in from a 23 day blizzard, this forced residents to dig tunnels just to get out of their homes. As the story goes, the towns mining profits began to dwindle and people began to find work elsewhere.
2.Dudleytown, Connecticut

Photo: Haunted Rooms
Abandoned in the 1800’s Dudleytown, also known as the Village of the Damned, barely stands today. Very few remains are visible now and the land has become forbidden to access by the general public. When Dudleytown was occupied it was still barely considered a town because only one family actually lived there. Over the years many stories have developed claiming that there have been unexplained deaths or even suicides in Dudleytown, rumor has it the town is haunted.
3.Brother Islands, New York

Photo: Urban Omnibus

Photo: Smatterist
This small island is located in the East River between the Bronx and Riker’s Island. Brother Island is the home to the now abandoned Riverside Hospital that was built to treat people with diseases that were considered quarantinable. During the 1950’s the hospital was used to treat and house heroin addicts, but was eventually closed down because people believed that the patients were being held against their will. The island has now become bird sanctuary and is completely off limits to the public.
4.St. Elmo, Colorado

Photo: St. Elmo Colorado
St. Elmo is located in Chaffee County, Colorado. After a booming gold and silver rush the towns population began to decline. The population continued to decline even more drastically after the railroad discontinued service in St. Elmo in 1922.
5.Rhyolite, Nevada

Photo: Nevada Trivia
Around 120 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Rhyolite sits on the edge of Death Valley. Thousands fled to the city during a gold rush, which as we know didn’t last in the long run. in 1910 the mines closed completely which led the population to drop to 1,000. Ten short years later the population had dropped to zero. Rhyolite remains abandoned, but has been the setting of many movies.