1. 1918: The British Royal Air Force is Formed

PHOTO: FlyingDiary

PHOTO: Pprune
On this day in 1918 the RAF ( Royal Air Force) was formed to fight along side the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAC). During World War I the Germans were dominating the Air Attacks which caused the creation of a specific Air Force to combat that. This also happens to be the day that the first female branch of the Military, the Womans Royal Air Force. By the end of the war in November 1918 the RAF had gron more poluar than ever with over 300,000 offivers and airmen as well as 22,000 planes but as of the start of World War II that had dimiinished down to a mear 2,000 aircraft.
2. 1946: An Earthquake off the cost of Alaska causes Massive Tsunami


In the middle of the night just off the coast of the Aleutian chain of Islands located near Alaska there was a massive underwater earthquake roughly 13,000 feet below sea level. The earthquake caused massive tidal Waves all throughout the area, mainly hitting the Hawaiian Islands. On Unimak Island, which was he closest land mass to the earthquake, was hit with a massive 100 foot tall Tsunami that devastated the entire island. The Coast Guard had just built a Lighthouse Tower on the island when the Tsunami hit it killing all five people that resided there. Meanwhile the Tsunami continued to head towards the South Pacific Islands at over 500 mph. Tsunamis are one of the most terrifying forms of weather gone wrong. Hawaii’s Hilo bay seemed to get hit the hardest with almost 96 people losing their lives due to the wave. A schoolhouse in Laupahoehoe was crushed by the tsunami, killing the teacher and 25 students inside. Signs of the waves were seen as far South as Chile 18 hours after the quake had taken place.
3. 1984: Soul Singer Marvin Gaye is Killed.

PHOTO: Mom.me
On this day in 1984 Marvin Gaye is shot and killed by his father Marvin Gaye Sr just one day before his his 45th birthday. Marvin had just finished his Sexual Healing Tour which due to the pressures of the road he had started to use cocaine again even though he had been clean and sober for quite some time before that. Upon finishing the tour Marvin went to stay at his parents house that he had bought for them in 1973. His Mother has kidney problems and required someone to take care of here, during this time his father was not around. But when Marvin Senior came home it was a constant battle between the father and son. For Christmas in 1983 Marvin bought his father a .38 special to use for protection in his home. Marvin Jr was known to have issues with suicide and depression, according to his sister just four days before his death he apparently jumped out of a sports car with intentions of really hurting himself but only received minor bruises. After an altercation between the father and son on this day Marvin Senior grabbed the .38 special his son had given him just 3 months prior and shot him Three times in the chest. Jr’s brother Frankie who lived next door came running after hearing the gunshots and was reportedly with his brother for the final minutes of his life and that is when he uttered the creep statement ” I got what I wanted, I couldn’t do it myself so I made him do it”