example of a woolly mammothPhoto: prehistoricflorida
While out surveying the land for a future construction of a highway system a team of geologists discove...
Oliver Cromwell led thousands of Scottish soldiers into the English Civil War over 350 years ago. Some soldiers were taken prisoner and were eventually buried i...
A recent discovery has uncovered a message hidden underneath Rome's massive obelisk. Why is this secret message so interesting? Well, it was written by none oth...
“It’s mind-boggling and unpredictable. We don’t really know what is in here. Every single telegram has a story behind it, from the president to the greatest gen...
“he remarkable persistence of mammoths on … St. Paul Island until the mid-Holocene suggests that isolated megafaunal populations can survive thousands of years ...
Unless you live under a rock, you've most likely seen a Reuters photograph almost everyday of your life. The extensive news agency has a collective of photograp...
In 1951, the USS Independence deliberately sunk off the coast of San Francisco. Yesterday, a group of researchers began their dive to investigate the wreckage a...
Archaeologists have found what is considered a new monument that dwarfs Stonehenge. Now being referred to as "Superhenge," archaeologists were able to discover ...
“We’re really excited to have evidence of military action here at the south wall. We have got very little evidence overall of construction material, so this is ...
"We need a lot of additional analysis and hard work for interpretation."
- Viktor Novozhenov, archaeologist with the Sayarka Archaeological Institute at Kara...