ZHENGZHOU, HENAN PROVINCE, CHINA - Archaeologists working just west of the Yellow River discovered a mysterious find: a tomb that e...
On April 18, 1906, disaster struck Northern California at 5:12 a.m. when a huge earthquake hit. It was an estimated 7.8 on the moment magnitude scale. It was fe...
“Last Tuesday they called me to announce the big discovery of a colossus of a king, most probably Ramses II, made out of quartzite," - Egyptian antiquties minis...
OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND - In a twist of events, an antiques expert visiting Blenheim Palace realized that one of the building's flower pots ...
UST-POLUI, SIBERIA - Archaeologists investigating Siberia's ancient "bear cult" at an ancient ceremonial site within the Arctic Cir...
SICILY ITALY - A team of Italian divers have recovered a cache of rare metal that ancient people thought was originally forged in Atlantis.
"This must rank as one of the most exciting treasure finds I have ever dealt with - not quite in the same league as the Staffordshire Hoard, but nevertheless ex...
PHOTO: Hollywood Reporter
In one story in the Poetic Edda, we meet a young Viking who kills a dragon and roasts the dragon's heart over an open flame. This ...
PI-RAMESSE, EGYPT - Archaeologists have uncovered a mystery at an ancient palace that probably once belonged to Egypt's famous Pharao...
PHOTO: pinterest
MIRADOR BASIN, GUATEMALA - New findings show that the Mayans engineered a series of superhighways that rivaled Roman roads. The network of ...