"If we are right, then this is the first good archaeological evidence of this practice. It shows us the dark side of Medieval beliefs and provides a graphic rem...
PHOTO: popular-archaeology.com
ALICANTE, SPAIN - archaeologists working on cataloging a number of artifacts in a Mesolithic era cave in Spain stumbled acros...
PHOTO: salamisotelkibris.tursemturizm.com
SALAMIS BAY, GREECE - The Greek Ministry of Culture has announced that the site of the ancient sea battle of Salam...
PHOTO: verbinet.com
The more we learn about the Vikings, the more we realize that they weren't exactly the hairy, dirty, meat-loving barbarians that ancient...
PHOTO: bbc.com
PHOTO: bbc.com
ENNENDI PLATEAU, CHAD - a UNESCO World Heritage Site deep in the Sahara desert has been all but destroyed by graffiti. Cha...
PHOTO: badassoftheweek.com
Last time, on History's Badasses, we talked about the woman who founded the Red Cross: Clara Barton. This week, we're turning our...
PHOTO: independant.co.uk
ZHENGZHOU, HENAN PROVINCE, CHINA - Archaeologists working just west of the Yellow River discovered a mysterious find: a tomb that e...
“Last Tuesday they called me to announce the big discovery of a colossus of a king, most probably Ramses II, made out of quartzite," - Egyptian antiquties minis...
PHOTO: mrcaseyhistory.com
We hear about it all the time. It was a pivotal point in European history, paving the way for centuries of history afterward, but ...
PHOTO: charitychallenge.com
In a quest to understand global climate change and how the human race plays a part in it, researchers and archaeologists are loo...
Elizabeth Lundin is a Portland-based freelance writer and blogger who enjoys writing about history almost as much as she enjoys reading it: which is quite a lot.